Table of Contents

Namespace ReactiveUI.AndroidSupport



ControlFetcherMixin helps you automatically wire-up Activities and Fragments via property names, similar to Butter Knife, as well as allows you to fetch controls manually.


This is an Activity that is both an Activity and has ReactiveObject powers (i.e. you can call RaiseAndSetIfChanged).


This is an Activity that is both an Activity and has ReactiveObject powers (i.e. you can call RaiseAndSetIfChanged).


This is a Fragment that is both an Activity and has ReactiveObject powers (i.e. you can call RaiseAndSetIfChanged).


This is a DialogFragment that is both a DialogFragment and has ReactiveObject powers (i.e. you can call RaiseAndSetIfChanged).


This is a Fragment that is both an Activity and has ReactiveObject powers (i.e. you can call RaiseAndSetIfChanged).


This is an Activity that is both an Activity and has ReactiveObject powers (i.e. you can call RaiseAndSetIfChanged).


This is an Activity that is both an Activity and has ReactiveObject powers (i.e. you can call RaiseAndSetIfChanged).


This is a Fragment that is both an Activity and has ReactiveObject powers (i.e. you can call RaiseAndSetIfChanged).


ReactivePagerAdapter is a PagerAdapter that will interface with a Observable change set, in a similar fashion to ReactiveTableViewSource.

ReactivePagerAdapter<TViewModel, TCollection>

ReactivePagerAdapter is a PagerAdapter that will interface with a Observable change set, in a similar fashion to ReactiveTableViewSource.


This is a PreferenceFragment that is both an Activity and has ReactiveObject powers (i.e. you can call RaiseAndSetIfChanged).


This is a PreferenceFragment that is both an Activity and has ReactiveObject powers (i.e. you can call RaiseAndSetIfChanged).


An adapter for the Android Android.Support.V7.Widget.RecyclerView. Override the CreateViewHolder(ViewGroup, int) method to create the your ReactiveRecyclerViewViewHolder<TViewModel> based ViewHolder.

ReactiveRecyclerViewAdapter<TViewModel, TCollection>

An adapter for the Android Android.Support.V7.Widget.RecyclerView. Override the CreateViewHolder(ViewGroup, int) method to create the your ReactiveRecyclerViewViewHolder<TViewModel> based ViewHolder.


A Android.Support.V7.Widget.RecyclerView.ViewHolder implementation that binds to a reactive view model.