Table of Contents

Version wasn't bumped when merging from develop into main

You'll need to do a pull-request similar to this

Change to a clean copy of main

git clean -fdx
git reset --hard
git checkout main
git pull

Create a new branch

git branch bump-release-version

If you want to bump the BREAKING create an empty commit in the branch with the following commit message

git commit --allow-empty -m "fix: the previous commit didn't bump with +semver: breaking"

If you want to bump the FEATURE create an empty commit in the branch with the following commit message

git commit --allow-empty -m "fix: the previous commit didn't bump with +semver: feature"

Push your branch

git push origin bump-release-version

Open a pull-request to main and once the release has been approved, you'll need to switch your merge mode to Create a merge commit aka Merge pull request by using the little arrow on the right hand side.

Do not customize the merge commit message or more specifically, do not bump the semver in the merge commit message.

Release failed because of labeling issue

Visit the issue, resolve the problem and then visit AppVeyor and click "Rebuild Commit". It is safe to do this multiple times because building main does not automatically release unless the commit has been tagged.